Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,I am very glad to be here today to express my special thanks, and to give the closing remarks. We have come to the successful conclusion of the Myanmar in 2014: Reintegrating into the global world symposium. On behalf of my department and my university, I am indeed happy to share our views on current Myanmar changes and developments. The symposium was come up with two days and with 8 sessions, each of the presenters and discussions come up with the ideas that will contribute to Myanmar and in Myanmar’s reintegrating into the international community. We have explored more area on Myanmar and situation like political issues, economy issues, religious issues as well as Myanmar’s challenges in taking the reforming measures, and I am also glad to meet all the scholars who specialized in Myanmar studies especially David Steinberg, the founder of the John Hosking center. I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to be the gusting professor in our university. I sincerely hope the symposium will pave the path to increase contacts and understanding among the scholars. We are very pleased to note that the next symposium will be held in Myanmar at the University of Yangon.
To end up, I would like to take this opportunity to assure that we will try our utmost to hold the symposium. May I express my heartfelt thanks to organizing committee of this symposium who has made all the possible preparations for the ease, comfort and benefit for all the distinguished guests? And I also would like to express my thanks to Myanmar Studies Center, the Charhar Institute and Hong Kong University. I would like to end up my remarks with words that Myanmar is a country on the move, Myanmar is moving from military system to democratic governance, from centrally–directed economy to a market-oriented economy, and it is Myanmar’s spring.
Thank you!