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发布时间:2014年04月11日  来源:察哈尔学会  作者:毕世鸿  阅读:1798


Mekong Congestion or Great Powers Coordination?–Outside Great Power Participation in Mekong Region Development Cooperation


The Mekong region has long been a battlefield for great powers to compete for their interests because of its important strategic location and resource endorsement. In recent years, with the outside great powers and regional organizations such as USA, Japan, India, Australia, Russia and EU actively participated in the development of Mekong region, their interests have been overlapped. A fierce situation of competition and game-playing in this region resulted in Mekong Congestion. The coordination of great powers’ strategic interests and great concerns, really consider for interest demands of Mekong region countries, the supply of regional public goods, the maintenance of lasting peace and the promotion of regional prosperity are important factors which should be considered when China is deepening GMS cooperation.

毕世鸿  云南大学

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