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发布时间:2014年04月11日  来源:察哈尔学会  作者:胡腾蛟  阅读:1993


America’s ‘Atom for Peace ’Propaganda from 1952 to 1960


Peace is one of the core themes of the America’s cold war propaganda. After the United States and the Soviet Union both have nuclear weapons, Atom energy and nuclear weapon become the center content of the cold war politics between the superpowers. U.S. looked the Soviet union as "nuclear aggressor", at the same time defined own atomic energy and nuclear weapons as the important tool in "seeking human welfare" and "defend the peace of the world" from 1952 to 1960. American government and private group taking an opportunity of Eisenhower’s ‘Atoms for Peace’ Speech in the General Assembly to launch an worldwide follow-up campaign. This propaganda campaign helps to eliminating the fear of atomic energy in the world. However, in the political framework of the cold war, the United States ‘peace only stop on the words, the world wide attention to nuclear disarmament problem was not be materially resolved. Therefore peace propaganda was only the strategic thinking of the United States and as one of the important measures against the Soviet Union.

胡腾蛟 长沙学院

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