<Book Launch & Seminar> Japan’s Awakening: Moving Toward an Autonomous Security Policy
Japan’s Security Policy and America’s Asia Policy
在此背景下,察哈尔学会研究员、日内瓦韦伯斯特大学(Webster University, Geneva)国际关系助理教授、东京明治大学全球武器转让史研究所合作研究员莱昂内尔·法特伦(Lionel Fatton)博士与韦伯斯特大学副教授奥雷斯特·弗皮亚尼(Oreste Foppiani)合著《日本的觉醒:迈向自治安全政策》(Japan's Awakening: Moving toward an Autonomous Security Policy)一书。
We have witnessed the rise of Asia in the 21st century. Asian countries are not only leveraging more influences on culture and politics but also challenging the dominance of Western countries over many international affairs. Once heavily relied on the US for its military security, Japan, however, has been adjusting its security policy since 2010. What are the consequences of Japan’s more autonomous security policy on Japan-US relations? How will it affect Asia and other relevant countries in the world?
Against this backdrop, Dr. Lionel Fatton, Fellow at The Charhar Institute and Assistant Professor of International Relations at Webster University Geneva, and the Associate Professor at Webster University Oreste Foppiani co-author the book Japan's Awakening: Moving toward an Autonomous Security Policy.
The book points out that Japan’s security policy has changed dramatically in recent years. On the one hand, Japan has strengthened its containment of China. On the other hand, Japanese Army is increasingly independent from its American counterpart. In response to Japan’s more autonomous security policy, this book summarizes the reasons for such outcome and analyzes its influences on the relations between China, Japan and the United States by combining Japan’s surrounding situations.
On July 1st, The Charhar Institute will invite Dr. Lionel Fatton to present on his new book in Beijing, and leading Chinese scholars will also join the seminar, contributing their viewpoints and wisdom.
This meeting is by invitation. Please join us via our official website, Facebook, Twitter, etc., or send your email to secretariat@charhar.org.cn to find more.
新书作者/About the Author
莱昂内尔·法特伦Lionel Fatton,察哈尔学会研究员、日内瓦韦伯斯特大学国际关系助理教授他的研究领域包括:东亚和东南亚的国际关系和安全动态、中日美关系、日本的安全政策、军民关系和新古典现实主义等。他在巴黎政治学院获得国际关系专业的政治学博士学位,在东京早稻田大学和日内瓦国际与发展研究所获得国际关系硕士学位,曾任日本共同通讯社驻联合国记者。
Lionel Fatton is an adjunct fellow at the Charhar Institute and Assistant Professor of International Relations at Webster University Geneva. He is also Research Collaborator at the Research Institute for the History of Global Arms Transfer, Meiji University, Tokyo. His research interests include international and security dynamics in East and Southeast Asia, China-Japan-US relations, Japan’s security policy, civil-military relations and neoclassical realism. He holds a PhD in Political Science, specialization International Relations, from Sciences Po Paris and two MA in International Relations from Waseda University in Tokyo and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. He was also a UN correspondent for Kyodo News Agency.
高洪 全国政协委员,察哈尔学会国际咨询委员会委员,中国社会科学院日本研究所前所长、研究员
Gao Hong, Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, International Adviser at The Charhar Institute, research fellow and former director of the Institute of Japanese Studies, China Academy of Social Sciences
李泰桓 韩国国家统一咨询委员会常务委员会成员、世宗研究所高级研究员
Tai Hwan Lee, Member of Standing Committee of National Unification Advisory Council in Korea, Senior Fellow (Emeritus), Sejong Institute
刘鸣 察哈尔学会高级研究员,上海社会科学院国际问题研究所学术委员会主任、研究员
Liu Ming, Adjunct Senior Fellow at The Charhar Institute, Director of the Academic Committee and research fellow at the Institute of International Relations, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
苏浩 察哈尔学会高级研究员,外交学院战略与和平研究中心主任、教授
Su Hao, Adjunct Senior Fellow at The Charhar Institute, Director of the Center for Strategic and Peace Studies and professor at China Foreign Affairs University
梁云祥 北京大学国际关系学院教授
Liang Yunxiang, Professor at School of International Studies, Peking University
周永生 外交学院国际关系研究所教授,日本研究中心副主任
Zhou Yongsheng, Professor at the Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University
赵通 清华—卡内基全球政策中心研究员
Zhao Tong, Fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
王冲 察哈尔学会高级研究员
Wang Chong, Adjunct Senior Fellow at The Charhar Institute
赵新利 察哈尔学会高级研究员,中国传媒大学广告学院副院长、教授
Zhao Xinli, Adjunct Senior Fellow at The Charhar Institute, Vice Dean and professor of the Faculty of Advertising, Communication University of China