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发布时间:2014年10月11日  来源:  作者:  阅读:7165

Charhar Newsletter


主  编:柯银斌



发    行:吴  丹 

International Academic Symposium


Words by the chief editor

Opening Ceremony

Xiao Xian (Vice President, Yunnan University) 

Lv Fengding(Chair of the International Advisory Board of the Charhar Institute)

Hao Zhigang(Director, Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.R.C)

Ian Holliday (Department of Politics and Public Administration,Hong Kong University) 

Daw Chaw Chaw Sein (Head, Department of International Relations, Yangon University)

Session 1: Current Myanmar Situation and its Developing Trend

U Ko Ko Hlaing (Chief Political Advisor to the Myanmar president)

Yi-Chun Chen (Institute of Political Economics of Tai Wan National Cheng Kung University)

Egreteau Renaud  A Closer Look at the Social and Political Background of MPs in Myanmar’s First Post-SPDC National Legislature (2010-2015)

U Khin Zaw Win  Assessing the Domestic Impact of Myanmar’s  Reintegration

Session 2: Myanmar’s Ethnic Relations and Peace Pro

Ashley South    Update on the peace process in Mya

Su Mon Thazin Aung  Myanmar Ethnic Peace Process: Strategy of the Myanmar government in the ongoing democratic trans

Zaw Htet Integration of minorities: the case of Muslim integration policies in My

Wang Xiaowei  The Major Demands of All Participants and Future Tendency of Myanmar Peace Pro

Session 3: Economy, Power and Media of Mynmar

Catherine Raymond  The Political Economy of Art, Tourism,and Burmese Heritage

U Win Myo Thu  Power Dilem

U Aung Tun The Roles of Myanmar Media in Myanmar’s Democratization: Challenges Not Overcome or Opportunities Missed?

Session 4: Myanmar and other Powers, International Organizations (1)

Yun Sun  China and US in Myanmar

Session 5: Myanmar and Other Powers, International Organizations (2)

Tin Tin Mar  Myanmar and International Community:the World Bank, IMF and the United Nations

Bi Shihong  The Newly Development of Japan-Myanmar Relations after the Thein Sein Administration Came to Power

Rahul Mishra   An overview of Myanmar- India Connectivity Projects

Kong Jianxun  IS China Really a Threat to Its Neighboring Countries in Asia? An Empirical Study of the Asians’ Perceptions of big powers’ influence in Asia

Session6 China-Myanmar Relations since Myanmar’s Political Transition (1)

Nora Schlenzig  Myanmar’s changing relations with China: examining links between cross-border development and conflict after 2011

Song Qingrun  Major Problems between China-Myanmar Relations and Suggestions

Lu Guangsheng  Chinese Investment and Assistance to Myanmar:Analysis based on Questionnaire Results

Session 7 China-Myanmar Relations since Myanmar’s Political Transition (2)

Zhai Kun   Myanmar’s Transition and China-Myanmar Relations

Kevin Woods    China in Burma during the Reform Period

Li Chenyang  Some Comments on China-Myanmar Relations after the General Election in 2010

Session 8: Myanmar’s Diplomacy and Land Issue

David I. Steinberg   Myanmar: In Search of Lost Equilibrium

Daw Chaw Chaw Sein Myanmar Foreign Policy: Changes and Prospects

Larry Jagan  Myanmar’s Foreign Policy:A Renewed Engagement with ASEAN

U KO KO Hlaing  Closing Ceremony


中国网: “2014年的缅甸:重新融入国际社会”学术研讨会昆明开幕 学术研讨会昆明开幕








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