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当前位置: 首页 > 主题活动 > “战争、冲突与非暴力化解”学术研讨会
发布时间:2014年04月11日  来源:察哈尔学会  作者:刘成  阅读:1750

21 世纪的全球社会,新的冲突不断涌现,这就要求和平学理论与教育工作者探索出新的研究范式, 以解释和应对这些新的挑战。 人类社会发展的历史证明, 除了应用和平的手段,没有路可以通向和平,而和平学的主要目标就是探求用和平的方式来实现和平。中国的和平学起步于 2000年, 南京大学世界史学科与英国考文垂大学和平与和解中心建立了合作关系,目的是将和平学引入中国高校。十年来,经过南京大学和考文垂大学的共同努力,和平学研究中心及其课程体系已经在南京大学成功建立。




As global society evolves during the twenty-first century, new conflicts are continually emerging. Peace studies theorists and scholars therefore need to develop new paradigms to explain and address these challenges. As has been shown time and time again peace is the only way to completely resolve conflict, and thus analysing how to achieve peace by peaceful means is the main aim of peace studies. Peace studies as an academic discipline in China dates from the year 2000, when co-operation was formally established between the Centre of World History Studies at Nanjing University and the Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies at Coventry University.

The aim of the link has been to introduce peace studies into Chinese universities, a goal which has been realized during the past decade through the combined efforts of Nanjing and Coventry universities.

However, we value the contribution that will be made by this conference as peace studies is not yet widely recognized as a subject in China, especially as it has not yet become a core curriculum subject. Peace studies research and related taught curricula are extremely rare, as is funding for such work. The purpose of this symposium is the Development of Peace Studies in Nanjing University and other universities located in Southwest, South middle and South regions of China. At the same time, to discuss the issue on the nonviolent and the conflict transformation.

This symposium received grants from United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, as well as support from the Charhar Institute, the College of Humanities of Hunan University of Science and Technology. Here I would like to express the heartfelt gratitude to all of them! At the same time, I would also like to thank all of the participants and volunteer supporters!

Thank you !

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