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发布时间:2014年04月11日  来源:察哈尔学会  作者:奥本京子  阅读:1816


Method of Facilitation to Transcend Dualism: For North East Asia

In our international society, it is more likely that we are divided into two big categories in our thinking. We always judge things, “good” versus “evil”, friend or foe, black or white, and this or that. This dualistic thinking blocks us from peace creation. How can we overcome this strong and firm mindset? In order to do so, we need to reflect how we process thinking in general, and start to create some other ways, alternatives.

In Transcend Method / Theory, there are 5 points of resolution of conflict. One if of course “prevailing” and it does not lead us to a fair and equal solution. “Withdrawal” is not bad if things get stuck and people cannot find any way out, but for a while. Many of us often  resort to “compromise” but this leaves some unresolved problems with us. “Transcend” solution means “both/and” and this happens when we include all actors/parties of the conflict, listen to each other, try to understand and respect mutually.

How can we use this “both/and” solution when we encounter conflict? There are many approaches and facilitators who try to put an emphasis on the process of this peacework. There are many approaches of facilitation, which the presenter will introduce in her presentation. By empowering peaceful elements in people, conflict can be transformed in a nonviolent way. One example that the presenter will show is Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute programmes. There, many facilitators work with empathy, nonviolence and creativity, to bring peace in the region for us all to be able to co-exist with respect in our global world, and to overcome dualism/dichotomy that dominates our current society.

奥本 京子 Kyoko OKUMOTO    日本大阪女学院大学

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