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当前位置: 首页 > 主题活动 > “公共外交热点议题分析”研讨会
发布时间:2012年03月26日  来源:察哈尔学会  作者:新闻与公共事务部  阅读:1978



    间:2012316日下午 3:005:35

    点:新建楼 3003



上半场 3:154:10

  人: 胡伟 (上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院院长、上海市社联副主席、中国国际关系学会副会长)

3:153:25   中国非政府主旨开展公共外交的特点:以察哈尔学会为例



3:253:35   公共外交的国家性



3:353:45   认同、权威与国际秩序



3:454:00   专家点评

            点评人:Nicholas Cull, 胡伟


4:004:10   自由讨论


4:104:30   茶歇



  人:  王义桅

4:304:40    中国的宗教形象:通过传播开展公共外交



4:404:50    中国的公共外交与公众参与

发言人:加藤嘉一 (察哈尔学会研究员)


4:505:00    在华留学生满意度调查试验性调查:以上海交通大学为例

             发言人:郑华 (国际与公共事务学院副教授)


5:005:25    专家点评

             点评人:Nicholas Cull 柯银斌


5:255:35    自由讨论

                                     Research and Practice of China’s Public Diplomacy


Introduction: Prof. Hu Wei

             (Founding Dean of School of International Public Affairs

              Vice President, Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences

              Vice President, China National Association for International Studies)


Panel 1:  3:154:10  Chair: Prof. Hu Wei

3:153:25    Characteristics of China’s NGO in Public Diplomacy: Case Study of Charhar Institute

Speaker: Mr.Yinbin KE   (Secretary of Charhar Institute)


3:253:35    On Nationalistic Character of Public Diplomacy

Speaker: Prof. Yiwei Wang (Senior Research Fellow of Charhar Institute, Executive Dean of School of International and Public Affairs, Tongji University)


3:353:45    Identity, Authority and International Order

Speaker: Yana Zuo      (Assistant Professor, SIPA, SJTU)


3:454:00    Comments

Commentators: Prof. Nicholas Cull (Professor of Public Diplomacy Director of the Masters Program in Public Diplomacy at University of South California)

             Prof. Hu Wei


4:004:10    Free Discussion

4:104:30    Coffee Break


Panel 2:   4:305:35PM  Chair: Prof. Yiwei Wang

4:304:40      Religious Image of China: Public Diplomacy through China

Speaker: Ping HUANG      (Assistant Professor, SIPA, SJTU)


4:404:50      China’s Public Diplomacy and the Public Participation

Speaker: Kato Yoshikazu     (Research Fellow of Charhar Institute)


4:505:00      Pilot Survey on Overseas Students’ Satisfaction with Life China: Case Study on SITU


5:005:25      Comments


Commentators:   Prof. Nicholas Cull

               Mr. Yinbin KE


5:255:35      Free Discussion




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