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   1995年毕业于美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,获经济学博士学位。目前为对外经济贸易大学经济系教授、博导,研究领域包括微观经济学、产业组织,反垄断竞争政策、规制经济学和国际贸易等。龚炯是位多产学者,在经济学、管理学和电子工程领域均有国际一流期刊论文发表。他曾是英国 Emerald 出版社发行的中国国际贸易权威英文期刊 Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS) 的执行主编。他也是多家亚洲英文报纸的评论版特约专栏作家,包括为香港的南华早报(South China MorningPost)、环球时报(Global Times)、央视新媒体 CGTN 等固定撰写政经文章。

   龚教授是中国经济学界的反垄断专家,是美国 Global Economics Group 的学界聘请专家(academic affiliate),该公司是一家全球领先的经济学咨询公司。同时担任中国世界贸易组织研究会兼并反垄断研究中心副主任。他还是商务部反垄断局特约专家,曾负责国家竞争数据库的总体设计工作。曾受商务部反垄断局委托,主持、参与了多起跨国公司并购 案的全球反垄断审查,包括美国 Seagate 公司收购韩国三星电子硬盘业务的中国反垄断审查,美国 Western Digital 公司收购日本 Hitachi GST 公司的中国反垄断审查,加拿大萨省钾肥收购加阳钾肥的中国反垄断审查,滴滴收购 Uber 的中国反垄断申报。在中国第一例纵向垄断协议诉讼案“北京涌和锐邦诉强生医疗”中担任原告方专家证人,出庭作证。此案是中国第一起纵向垄断协议诉讼案,也是中国历史上第一起原告胜诉的反垄断诉讼案。 此后作为专家证人成功参与多起反垄断诉讼,包括云南盈顶诉中石化、松下电器和经销 商纠纷以及宁波的日立金属的专利拒绝授权案。龚教授也曾经为世界银行做国家竞争政 策方面的咨询工作,例如代表世界银行为哈萨克斯坦国和纳米比亚咨询竞争政策。

   在 2009 年回国加入对外经济贸易大学之前,龚炯是美国有线电视实验室 (Cable Television Laborotries, Inc.) 的高级研究员 。在此之前,他在贝尔 实验室通信研究所 (Bell Communications Research)工作了七年。主要做关于规制经济学、竞争政策和新经济关系的研究,参与美国前副总统戈尔的国家信息基础设施 (NII) 的项目。龚炯在程控交换式电视领域里是两项美国专利局专利的发明者,专利号 No. 8,332,902 和 No. 8,566,888。

Journal Publication 发表英语学术期刊:

1.“Antitrust fines: experience from China,” with Ran Jing and Fang Yi, Review of Industrial Economics, revised and resubmitted.

2.“Compensation convexity without utility restriction,” with Ping Jiang and Xiaochuan Xing,Australian Economic Papers, revised and resubmitted.

3.“Guaranteed return regulation for resource conservation,” with Michael Crew, Baomin Dong and Siyu Chen, Journal of Regulatory Economics, revised and resubmitted.

4.“Taxation on e-commerce: evidence from China’s retail sector,” with Ping Jiang and Xiangyang Zhang, Journal of Business and Economics, v8(9), 2017.

5.“The tradeoff of the commons under stochastic use,” with Xiaoyong Cao, Journal of Public Economics, 145, 2017: 150-161.

6.“Fraud cycles,” with R. Preston McAfee and Michael Williams, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 172(3), 2016: 544-572.

7.“Contractual mutual fund governance: the case of China,” with Ping Jiang and Shu Tian, Reviewf Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 46, 2016: 543-567.

8.“The Little Divergence: evidence from cotton textiles exports in Japan and China 1868-1930,” with Baomin Dong et al, Review of Development Economics, 19(4), 2015: 776–796.

9.“Contracting for infrastructure projects as credence goods,” with Uwe Dulleck and Jianpei Li, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 17(3), 2015: 328-345.

10.“Velocity of money and economic development in medieval China: the case of Northern Song,” with Baomin Dong, Review of Development Economics, 18(2), 2014: 203–217.

11.“Split award contracting with investment,” with Jianpei Li and R. Preston McAfee, Journal of Public Economics, 96 (2012): 188–197.

12.“FDI and environmental regulation: pollution haven or a race to the top?” with Baomin Dong and Xin Zhao, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 41, 2012(2), April, 216-237.

13.“Transfer pricing under a dynamic tariff scheme,” with Zhongxiu Zhao, Dynamics of Continuous,Discrete & Impulsive Systems, Vol. 18, 2011.

14.“Knowledge sharing in online communities,” with Zhaoli Meng et al, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2009, Conference Proceedings, June 2009

15.“Competition and adoption of search engine software,” with Zhaoli Meng et al, International Journal of U- and E- Service, Science and Technology, Vol. 2 , No. 1, January 2009

16.“Simulation study of the spectral capacity requirements of switched digital broadcast,” with Daniel Vivanco et al, IEEE Broadnets 2007, Conference Proceedings, September 2007

17.“QAM resource allocation in mixed-format VoD systems,” with David Reed et al, Journal of Communications, Vol. 2, No. 1, January, 2007.

18.“QAM resource allocation,” with Jim Martin et al, IFIP-Networking 2006 Conference Proceedings, May 2006.

19.“Optimal QAM allocation in the presence of mixed HD and SD streams,” with Yasser Seyed, NCTA Conference Proceedings, 2005.

20.“Modeling switched broadcast video services,” with Joe Weber, NCTA Conference Proceedings2004.

21.“Pretrial negotiation, litigation and procedural rules,” with R. Preston. McAfee, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 38, No.2, April 2000.

22.“Network competition and industry structure,” with P. Srinagesh, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol. 5, No.4, 1997.

23.“General double auction mechanism,” with R. Preston. McAfee, Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Vol.6, 1996

24.“An economic analysis of network architectures,” with P. Srinagesh, IEEE Network, Vol.10, No.2, 1996.