Johan GALTUNG, dr hc mult, Professor of Peace
Founder TRANSCEND: A Peace Development
Environment Network
Founder TRANSCEND Peace University
Born 1930 in Oslo, Norway; PhD mathematics 1956;
PhD sociology 1957
Founder, International Peace Research Institute,
Oslo January 1959
Founder, Journal of Peace Research 1964
Recent book publications:
Peace By Peaceful Means London: SAGE, 1996, 280 pp. Opladen:
L&B 1996, Milano: Esperia, 2000; Seoul: 2002; Gernika: 2003; Erevan: 2005
Macrohistory and Macrohistorians, with Sohail Inayatullah,
Westport CT: Praeger, 1997), 274 pp.
Conflict Transformation By Peaceful Means, UN 1998, 2000, 37, 189pp.
Johan uten land (autobiography), Oslo: Aschehoug, 2000, 432pp.
Rethinking Conflict: The Cultural Approach, Strasb'g: CoE 2002 69pp.
Les mondes pour la paix, Caen: Mémorial, 2003, 44pp.
Både-Og: En innföring i konfliktarbeid, Oslo: Kagge, 2003, 27 lang.
En flyveappelsin forteller (with Andreas Galtung) Oslo: Kagge,
USA Glasnost (with Rick Vincent), Cresskill, NJ: Hampton 2003,
273 pp.
Transcend & Transform, London: PLUTO; Boulder CO: Paradigm
Press 2004, 189 pp.; coming in 25 languages.
Pax Pacifica: The Pacific Hemisphere&Peace
Studies Pluto 2005,
170 pp.
(with Charles Webel, eds): Handbook in Peace
and Conflict Studies, London: Routledge, 2007, 406 pp.
Norge sett utenfra, Oslo: Kagge, 2008, 117 pp.
Publications from TRANSCEND University Press
1 Johan Galtung 50 Years 100 Peace &
Conflict Perspectives 2008 264pp
2 Johan Galtung, Paul D Scott Democracy*Peace*Development 2008 308pp
3 Johan Galtung 50 Years 25 Intellectual
Landscapes Explored 2008 250pp
4 Johan Galtung, Graeme MacQueen Globalizing
God 2008 254pp
5 Johan Galtung, The Fall of the US Empire -
And Then What?2009
6 Jack Santa Barbara Fred Dubee Johan Galtung Peace
Business 2009
7 Johan Galtung A Theory of Conflict 2010 320pp
8 Johan Galtung A Theory of Development2010 282pp
9 Johan Galtung A Theory of Civilization (forthcoming 2012)
10 Johan Galtung A Theory of Peace (forthcoming 2012)
Launching Peace Studies, TUPPopular 1, 2010, 96 pp.
(with Arne Treholt): Hva var det du prövde å
få til? TUPP 2 2010 96 pp.
(with Vithal Rajan, SP Udayakumar): Peace
Plays, TUPP 3 2010 95 pp.
A CdS Rosa ed., Peace Journalism: 80 Galtung
Editorials TUPP 2010 191pp Holder of:
Right Livelihood Award (aka Alternative Nobel
Peace Prize), 1987
Bajaj International Award for Promoting Gandhian
Values, 1993
First Morton Deutsch Conflict Resolution Award,
Norwegian Literary Prize Brage, 2000;
Premio Hidalgo, Madrid, 2005
The DMZ Korean Peace Prize, 2010
Erik Byes Minnepris, 2011
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan International
Peace-Builder Award, 2011
Augsburg Golden Book of Peace 12/2005; Marburg
Golden Book 12/2007
Dr honoris causa, University of Tampere, 1975,
peace studies
Dr honoris causa, University of Cluj, 1976,
future studies
Dr honoris causa, Uppsala University, 1987,
social sciences
Dr honoris causa, Soka University, Tokyo, 1990,
Dr honoris causa, Universität Osnabrück, 1995,
peace studies
Dr honoris causa, Università di Torino, 1998,
sociology of law
Dr honoris causa, FernUniversität Hagen, 2000,
Dr honoris causa, Universidad de Alicante, 2002,
Dr honoris causa, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla,
2006, law
Profesor honorario, Universidad de Alicante,
Alicante, 1981
Honorarprofessor, Freie Universität Berlin,
Honorary professor, Sichuan University, Chengdu,
Honorarprofessor, Universität Witten/Herdecke,
Witten, 1993
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